tingkah sama sifat itu sama atau enggak ? aku sih ngerasanya beda , kerna tingkah itu apa yang dilakukannya . misalnya tingkah nya seperti anak anak , yaa artinya dia berkelakuan , berbuat seperti anak anak . sedangkan sifat itu ya kekmana di dalam diri dia . kayak dia cepat kali ngerajuk seperti anak anak . terus tingkah biasanya berasal dari otak dan pikiran , sedangkan sifat seharusnya berasal dari hati . memang sama sama terarah ke childish , tapi berbeda sumbernya .
tingkah sama sifat udah jelas berbeda kata ayren , tingkah itu sesuatu yang gak pasti dan DAPAT DIBUAT BUAT sedangkan sifat itu memang bawaan .
kalo menurut marina juga beda , kalo tingkah itu yang dilakukan , sedangkan sifat itu dasar perilaku .
sherley bilang "kayaknya beda tak" tanpa penjelasan haha .
buat kamu , jadi bisa ngerti kan sekarang , aku gak pernah mau berubah menjadi seperti mu , seperti sifatkekanak kanakan . memang aku childish , baik tingkah maupun sifatku , tapi memang begini adaku ,semua juga udah tau udah ngerti .tak pernah sedikitpun keinginanku , minatku , atau pun NIAT untuk berubah sepertimu . maaf . aku memang bersalah besar padamu , tapi aku bukan peng-copy mu . aku bukan seorang copy cat :)
hmm aku gak ngajak kamu perang kok dari post aku yang ini , aku cuma pengen explain aja ke kamu biar gak ada salah paham ,maaf jika berlebihan . hemmm enjoy your weekend all :)
Sabtu, 14 November 2009
Kamis, 12 November 2009
heaven mistakes ; october 11th
hey yea , whats up dude . setelah tertelan bumi dengan kesibukan kelas tiga yang sangat tidak penting rasaku , tapi tetap harus dijalankan aarrrgggh , aku kembali dalam waktu yang bisa membuatku melupakan sekolah busuk perusak bahagia itu haha . aku kembali dengan cerita yang berbeda :)
when i wrote on September 27th , i write it for someone who being my best friend . but now the story was different now . everyone always looking us ugly . they don't like if we get closer everyday . they always thought that we have a special relationship hahaha but it's true :D sometimes i knew that they talking about me and my boy when i was passed them off . maybe they want to make a joke but i think it's bad .
why people can doing something that they not mean to do that ? why people always thinking me as a VANDAL who broken the relationship . hey , did you have brain ? could you said something that i and people understand ? stop nosy the people life , lets make some move . why don't you take care of your life ? stop talking about us or scream to make us realize that you're talking about me haha . do you think i care ? hahaha no , big big no . just continue your cheap gossip and haha i don't turn my mind to care :)
i know that i make a mistakes , sorry , maybe , many mistakes for you friends (ehm i'm not sure did you still considered me as your friends or maybe now as your enemy . idk .. ) . i'm not regret it because this is the way i choose . you may think me as betrayer , i know i wrong but i'm not thought thats me . i can't say anything than Sorry :(
but , I LOVE HIM , so what could you do to make us separated ?
i love you my astro :*
when i wrote on September 27th , i write it for someone who being my best friend . but now the story was different now . everyone always looking us ugly . they don't like if we get closer everyday . they always thought that we have a special relationship hahaha but it's true :D sometimes i knew that they talking about me and my boy when i was passed them off . maybe they want to make a joke but i think it's bad .
why people can doing something that they not mean to do that ? why people always thinking me as a VANDAL who broken the relationship . hey , did you have brain ? could you said something that i and people understand ? stop nosy the people life , lets make some move . why don't you take care of your life ? stop talking about us or scream to make us realize that you're talking about me haha . do you think i care ? hahaha no , big big no . just continue your cheap gossip and haha i don't turn my mind to care :)
i know that i make a mistakes , sorry , maybe , many mistakes for you friends (ehm i'm not sure did you still considered me as your friends or maybe now as your enemy . idk .. ) . i'm not regret it because this is the way i choose . you may think me as betrayer , i know i wrong but i'm not thought thats me . i can't say anything than Sorry :(
but , I LOVE HIM , so what could you do to make us separated ?

i love you my astro :*
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