Once upon a time , when the second class of senior high school just began , there's a lovely story started in science 3 . a boy named Gilang and Tantri as the girl . at first both of them don't know each other . but the times keep running and make them have a friendship . Gilang search for new girlfriend and Tantri helped him although just a lil bit haha . and gilang has found his new girlfriend last Feb :) However , their friendship not end at all , it still turn up , and even it they get closer everyday .
Until one day , Gilang felt bored with his girlfriend . He told me that he can't trough this anymore . so i told him to break up and search the new one . then i gave him a girl but , it needs totally hard work , aite ? haha so Gilang gave up and doesn't want to tried anymore ..
But times bring us to the that time , to the point of what i told you these . Tantri and Gilang get closer everyday . pass the days and night together . Thats makes Tantri feel nothing without Gilang by her side (hahah :D)
Finally , they start their new relationship at 11th October 2009 . But theres thousand problems , million envious people , billion unbeliveble faces . However , they will trough it all with happy face , no matter how much sick fuckin people disturbed , together and forever :)
happy eight weeks love , your request to posted this story has come true :)